Anette Moi is a freelance illustrator, artist & designer. She lives and work in Stavanger, Norway. Anette has been working full-time as an illustrator since March 2013. Her illustrations are bold, colorful & fun. The illustrations are also often socially ciritcal, and Anette often draws her reactions to things that happens in the society. She has a big heart for animal rights, equality & human rights. Anette works from her studio next to Valbergstårnet in Stavanger, she works with commissions, private portraits, painting murals and her webshop. In 2023 she has started to paint originals with acrylic and oil pastels and hopefully there are many exhibitions to come in the future!

In 2015 Anette Moi launched her first webshop. She started with a few posters, some silkscreened t-shirts and tote bags. Her posters prints, books, etc. are locally printed by Allkopi in Forus, Stavanger as they have been since 2015. All the clothes, tote bags etc. are silkscreened by Kjetil Brandsdal in Hillevåg, Stavanger. They are silkscreened by hand, and he is the best (that’s why he’s been there since 2015 as well!)

Anette Moi has also had several exhibitions, her first solo-show was in October 2012. Her show “Funfair” was exhibited at Reedprojects Gallery in Stavanger. Since 2012 she had exhibited at Bryne Mølle, Oslo Fashion Art Festival, Grafill, Tou Scene, Studio 21 and many more. In 2023 she will have a exhibition for the first time in 5 years, actually 2 exhibitions : one at Fineart Gallery in Oslo (group exhibition during th summer) and byOne exhibition @ byHands in Oslo, June 15th.

Anette is represented by byHands (www.byhands.no) in Norway and V/Collective (www.vcollective.co) in China.
Anette Moi has worked with clients such as Avinor, Vipps, Mills, Playstation, Dyreparken, Sentralen, Talormade, Dagbladet, BLÅ, Aftenposten, Oslo kommune, Vice Magazine, Washington Post, Lervig, Dagens Næringsliv, Coop, VG, Session, Rema 1000, P3, Talormade, Pizzabakeren, Music Norway, Natt&Dag, Sweco, Hamar kommune, Coca-Cola Norge, Amerikalinjen, FINN.no, Deichmanske Bibliotek Bjerke , Kvadrat, Stavanger Sentrum, Fritt Ord, Kredinor, WiMP (now Tidal) , Pastabakeren, Tommy Tee, Comfort Square Hotel, Kolumbus, Oljedirektoratet and many, many more.
All products in the webshop are communicated on the behalf of Anette Moi.
Please send an email hello@anettemoi.com if you have any questions or want to work with Anette.